Thirty Years Ago

I found myself in a conversation about reading. Imagine that!

I was asked how my reading today compares with my reading thirty years ago. A very interesting question. I have book lists that could show exactly what I read thirty years ago but I need to find them. Pending that, I think I have some ideas.

In one episode, probably the one when Lory interviewed me, I said that now I probably read 75% fiction and 25% nonfiction. Thirty years ago, those percentages might have been reversed. On the fiction side, I read a lot of science fiction when I was younger, but I think it is also true that I read more nonfiction than I do today.

I’ve got to round up all of my reading lists and put them together. I am interested to see how my reading has changed over time, assuming that it has. Sometimes, often, I wish that I was more organized. This has really got me wondering now. What did I read in 1994? Stay tuned. I’m going to find all of my reading lists!


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Too Big for the Bookshelf